Photo Credit: My 11 Year Old, Alana Grace
Ok, so I know that Mondays are pretty much always associated with manic---but why not change our 'tudes and instead refer to today as MAGIC! This coming weekend, we will celebrate one of the most "magical" relationships life has to offer---motherhood.
I am of course abundantly grateful for my two (not so little) littles who forever changed my purpose, my role and my title...the ones who made me mom. I also thank God each and every day for the one woman who gave me life. She is my compass in the storm, my "Slippery Road Ahead" sign when I plunge forward too fast, my propeller when I am afraid to move forward, and most importantly my best friend. Mother's Day is also a day I pause to give thanks for the women in my life who I don't call "mom" but who have most assuredly impacted me and loved me as a mom Auntie Joni & and my Grandma Jan.
I say prayers of hope & healing to those mamas who have been forced to whisper a final goodbye to their babies--no matter what age-from conception to adulthood--because as we all know they are always our babies! I think of the moms desperately awaiting their miracle. Exhausting every option and never giving up hope on the journey to find a heartbeat. I admire the mothers who have sacrificed themselves in order to give their babies a better a life, even if that means with another "mother" and the "other mother" who steps into this role so graciously. Both of you mamas are my heroes.
A smile crosses my face face when I think of the teachers who help shape, encourage and maternally guide their students. And of course my sweet friends whom I "mother hen over". My heart weeps for those whose mother's have passed and for those whose relationships are in a season of bitterness. But my spirit rejoices with hope for the mommies nurturing new life in their tummies and I reflect with awe on my own little sister became a mother herself just a few months ago. Truly incredible!
This week, I challenge you to take some time to pause and reflect. To smile and laugh. To mourn and weep. And most of all to celebrate this "magical" journey that unites so many of us. Each and every one of you inspire me!
Now, get out there and make this week MAGICAL!
xo, Jessica